Do you struggle with daily fatigue? When 2:00 or 3:00 hits, you could just lay your head down and sleep. We are born rechargeable batteries, meaning our body needs to be cared for in specific ways to sustain a healthy amount of energy. Unfortunately, our power is sensitive to the environmental, mental, and physical stresses we put our bodies through daily. Exhausting our energy can create conditions such as chronic fatigue, which leaves us full of inflammation and other chronic illnesses. I will share the top ways to boost and sustain your natural energy naturally in today's article.
What is Fatigue/ Chronic Fatigue?
Fatigue is the over-exertion or lack of recovery the body feels in times of stress. Fatigue can occur from numerous environmental factors, circumstances, and behavioral situations. For example, we can reach fatigue just by worrying too much. Fatigue can also be from a nutrient deficiency, such as lacking B vitamins, Vitamin D, and magnesium. Constant fatigue or on and off throughout the day is not normal. Our body can have energy all day until the sunset. Then fatigue should gradually set in. Living a life of constant on the go and stress can lead to chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue is a diagnosis for someone who has over-exerted their body to extreme exhaustion. Some symptoms you may feel if you suffer from chronic fatigue are; unrestful sleep, trouble with concentration and focus, muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, and more. Symptoms will vary from person to person. Chronic fatigue is a severe illness that can leave you vulnerable to numerous other conditions, such as chronic inflammation, neurological disorders, depression, and anxiety. Chronic fatigue can also compromise your immune system raise your blood glucose levels, and wreck your nervous system.
Around 20% of the population suffers from chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue develops from numerous over-exertion over a long period, for example, from working too much, exercising excessively, eating inflammatory foods, stress, or a combination of all these things.
What Is Energy & How Is It Generated?
Energy comes from the food or nutrients we consume in a day. Our power comes from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, each having a different thermodynamic breakdown. Each of those nutrients breaks down into what is ATP in our cells. ATP is the cell's mitochondria or the primary source of a cell's energy. ATP is a molecule that uses glycogen to convert into energy. ATP is essential in ensuring that we stay energized and functioning correctly. ATP generates through certain stress stimuli, such as exercise, heat and cold exposure, and proper nutrient consumption. Foods and things that can exhaust your ATP and energy are the following:
1. Processed foods
2. Fried foods
3. Sedentary lifestyle
4. Sugar
5. Over-exercising
6. Overworking
7. Lack of sleep
So if you are suffering from no energy or chronic fatigue, check the symptoms above to see if you may need a boost of ATP.
How What We Eat Affects Our Energy
The food we eat contains nutrients that our body needs each day. Food contains protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins and minerals, all of which digest and break down into essential nutrients our body needs to use as energy. Some foods provide more power than others do. A whole foods-based diet with organic fruits, vegetables, quality fats, and quality meats all contain the essential nutrients that give us the most energy. Now, processed foods contain hazardous ingredients that can cause inflammation in crucial parts of our body, such as our insulin hormone, which governs the way our liver filters certain foods. If our insulin hormone is inflamed, it can lead to insulin resistance or diabetes. Over time, when this hormone can't do its job efficiently, it causes our leptin hormone to slow down, which is the body's satiating hormone. This hormone communicates to the brain when the body is satisfied. When stressed or compromised, this hormone causes our body to use more energy than necessary, leading to fatigue and crashes after meals. Eating nutrient-dense foods will give you the right amount of sustainable energy. Foods such as:
1. Avocado's
2. Coconut oil
3. Dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables
4. Eggs
5. Grass-fed meats, fresh organic fish
6. Berries, cherries, pomegranate
7. Root vegetables, anti-inflammatory spices
Top 8 Ways To Increase Your Energy Naturally
Energy comes from numerous factors in our life. One of the most critical factors is movement. Movement increases blood flow, which increases thermodynamics. Listed below are the top 8 ways to boost your energy levels naturally.
1. Cold showers:Cold showers have been taking the internet by storm over the last two years due to their capabilities to strengthen the immune system, increase mental toughness, and more. Taking a 3-minute cold shower can spike your nervous system waking the body up and getting the blood moving first. A cold shower has also been shown to lower inflammation in the blood.
2.Exercise: As stated above, movement is critical in making energy. Exercise will increase your level of energy. I recommend some form of cardiovascular training and strength training each week to see maximum energy benefits. Start slow with realistic goals to help you get on the right foot. Exercise boosts oxygen circulation inside your body. This increase in oxygen supports your mitochondria production and allows your body to use energy from other sources more efficiently.
3. Sun exposure: Sunlight stimulates our nervous system. Our nervous system is what sends signals to the body and the brain to wake up. The sun triggers the brain's photo centers, triggering the production of hormones responsible for giving us energy. Get 10-15 minutes of sun exposure each day.
4. Proper sleep: We all know what rest can do for you. Sleep is one of the most important factors when trying to have more energy. If you are not getting enough sleep, your body starts to release stress hormones, which will exhaust your power and create fatigue. Waking up and going to bed at the same time every night is a great way to have sustainable energy levels. When your body is in a deep sleep, it is in recovery mode, where your energy stores are recharged each night.
5. Meditation:Sitting in silence sounds like it might make you want to take a nap or make you more tired. Well, meditation does the exact opposite over time. Our brain is constantly stimulated by technology, so disconnecting from that and allowing our body to recharge is a great way to maintain a healthy amount of energy without having a cup of coffee midday. Just 5-10 minutes of meditation can increase DHEA and growth hormone production, which both play a role in focus and cognitive function.
6. Nutrient density: A diet rich in vitamins and minerals will increase your body's metabolism, giving it the nutrients it needs to generate healthy energy. Eating all whole foods is what our body is designed to digest and use as fuel; the more of those foods in your diet, the more energy you will have.
7. Hydrate:drinking enough water is crucial for our energy levels. Since we are 80% water, I think it plays a huge role in blood and oxygen flow, which are responsible for how much energy we have. Everyone has different water needs. Drink as much as you can each day. I recommend ¾ of a gallon for sedentary people and a gallon to a gallon and a half for active people.
8. Eat less refined carbohydrates: Elimination of any inflammation will dramatically increase your energy. Processed foods contain harmful ingredients that can create inflammation in the gut, the blood, and the brain. Being able to avoid that will help your body to increase its energy naturally. Processed foods also cause issues with our insulin hormone, leading to prediabetes and diabetes.
We don't have to walk around each stimulated out of our minds and tired every day. Just by adopting, some of the ways I have given you here today can help you get your life back. You deserve to have the energy you want. So take control of your life today.