With 2021 coming to a close we can all safely say that it was definitely a challenge for most of us. Now it’s time we start preparing for 2022, because it is right around the corner. This is the time to reflect and begin visualizing what you want for yourself in the next year. Setting goals can be very overwhelming and if we don’t take the time to set goals that are realistic they will just set us up for failure. In this article I am going to help set you up for success by setting real and attainable goals.
Where we make mistakes with New Year’s Resolutions
One major mistake we make when setting goals for ourselves is we set extrinsic goals, which are goals that we set based on external circumstances. For example, changing our behavior to fit in, or losing weight to get attention. You want to set intrinsic goals which come from internal reflection of what we truly desire (more on this in the next section). Another mistake we make is making our goals unrealistic, like I am going to run a marathon in a month, or lose 50 pounds in a month. When we set unrealistic goals we set ourselves up for failure. One last mistake we make is that we often set goals for others and not ourselves. A good example of this is, lets say your spouse or partner is complaining about how you never want to go do something that they want to do, so you decide to try and make a personality change for them. That is sabotaging who you are for someone else’s happiness, that will do nothing but create resentment in the long run.
What is an Intrinsic goal?
Intrinsic goals are internal questions we ask ourselves to set intentional and meaningful goals for ourselves, and these can be with anything. The way we set these goals is through reflection. Reflection is a huge part with setting goals, because when we reflect on our wins and losses, it allows us to be able to look at what we need to work on. Some examples of intrinsic goals are;
“I am going to learn how to enhance my overall long-term health”
“I am going to set out to serve others this year”
“I am going to be a better husband/wife for my family”
“I am going to travel to a new place this year”
“I am going to challenge myself this year”
What do we want to achieve with goals?
When we set goals, we set an expectation to reach results by a specific time. We can set ourselves up for a positive lifestyle change or a negative one, and the way we approach our goals will determine the outcome of the process. Ultimately we want to set goals that will leave us with sustainable lifestyle changes. Goals that will promote self-mastery and give us a sense of focus on what we want our lives to look like.
How to set attainable goals
Setting goals is a lot like setting up a workout, you want to be specific, stretched, challenged, and realistic. There is a great saying that goes, you cannot manage what you don’t measure and you can’t improve upon something you don’t properly manage. So you want to be smart about the way you set your goals up. Here are 6 steps you can use to start setting up your goals for 2022.
Find your WHY!!
This is the most important step, because we have to have reason for our goals, what we want to achieve from them and where we want them to take us. Having a reason for your goals will keep you accountable. I prioritize this step and make it as specific as possible so when the going gets tough and I want to give up or quit, my brain goes right to my why and that will help push you through the pain. An example of a why would be, “I want to enhance my overall health for the betterment of myself and to be a better example for my family and those around me.” or “I am going to start a business that I will be able to leave for my family one day.” By having an intention for the goal you are setting, it will make it much easier to keep yourself accountable to achieve your goals. So Start with asking yourself why you want this goal and what you want to achieve from it and remind yourself of that reason everyday.
Get specific
After you have figured out your why, now it’s time to create a plan of action to get there. When creating your plan, you want to be as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying I’m going to save more money this year, how about I am going to save 10% of my monthly income this year. Or instead of saying I am going to work out every day, say I am going to work out 10-20 minutes a day. The more specific you are the better.
Be realistic
When setting your goals, you want to be realistic, what I mean by this is you want to set realistic expectations for yourself. You don’t want to set a goal such as, I am going to lose 100 pounds in 6 months, instead set I am going to lose 2 pounds a month every month this year. It makes the process more enjoyable and the progress you will see will feel much more rewarding.
Start small
Don’t come out guns blazing when you start working towards your goals. Be smart and start small. Instead of saying I am going to read a book a week, start with I am going to read a chapter a day. Instead of running 5 miles a day start with 1 mile a day. When we set small consistent goals for ourselves it develops into a habit much quicker. Why is this important, because once it becomes a habit then it develops into a sustainable lifestyle which what you want to achieve with your goals.
Make your goals measurable
You want to make your goals measurable, because when you see your progress it keeps the motivation alive to keep going. An example of measuring your progress would be after reading a chapter a day of your book, you could do a summary of what you read at the end of that week to see how much you are learning. Or if you are saving more money, you could take a look at your savings when you started and then review at the end of each month.
Have a timeline
Having a set date for when you will accomplish your goal will also help you to push yourself. Make sure it is realistic and attainable for you, such as running a 5k in 2 months, or saving up for a new phone. These may be small feats to some but they will help you to stay consistent and progress towards bigger goals.
Patience creates consistency
With change comes a great deal of patience. You must be patient with accomplishing your goals, because it doesn’t happen overnight. If that were the case, we would all be where we wanted to be. It’s going to get tough, and there will be set backs, but those set backs are what makes us stronger, embrace them and remember why you started.
2022 is here, and it is your time to shine. You are more than capable to accomplish what you want. What are you waiting for, life is not going to wait on you! If there is something that has been on your heart for a long time now and you want it go get it. Set your intention, be specific, realistic, start small, and measure your progress and you will achieve whatever it is you set your mind to.